Things You Should Know

  What You Should Know Before Hiring Anyone  
  We all like to think of ourselves as being a pretty good judge of character and for the most part, we are. Most businesses are on the up and up meaning, they all play from the same rulebook and follow those rules. Then there are those who look the part, talk the game and, yes, the game, to them, it is a game they intend to win, that game is you, and their prize is parting you from your money.  
  Whether you are a commercial property owner/manager or a residential home owner, you will agree that it is good idea to protect your self from being taken. The old phrase, "You get what you pay for", doesn't apply in today's world.
You may ask, "Okay, how do I protect myself from being taken?"
It is really simple, ask questions about them before you give out any information about your project and yourself. It is in your favor to know as much as possible about them before making any decisions.
  Take a page from the professionals who's job is to vet contractor and employees before hiring them. They have a simple point system based on certain questions and research that helps to prevent them from hiring the wrong team. That score helps them avoid unwanted results.  
    Each question and/or requirement equals one point  
                                                              6 0  
    What is the Company's Legal Name? YES NO  
      John's Drywall or Goodman's Do All, LLC 1    
        Could be a legitimate companies, still, play it safe and ask:      
    Do you have a Information Kit about you company?          
      Few companies have any information about themselves as they hope that the prospective customer will trust them on their word. Profession companies want you to know all there is to know about them. Why, they want you to be more than just a passing customer, they want you as their Client. Clients are repeat customers.          
          If the answer is yes to any one of these, add 1 point. 1      
            Check the following list below for all of the company's business information.          
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
            Using the list below, ask for the business information:  
    What is the Business Type?  
      Sole Proprietorship  
      Limited Liability Company (LLC)  
      S Corporation  
      C Corporation  
        May I have a copy of your Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)  
          If the answer is yes to any one of these, add 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
          If these reasons are given,          
            I'm Sorry, I use my Social Security Number for my EIN, I don't give that information out to anyone. RED FLAG  
            "Why do you want a copy of my EIN?"  
            The paperwork has been filed, waiting on them to get back.  
            For what I do, I don't need it.  
            My company is new and the paperwork hasn't been filed yet.  
        May I have a copy of your West Virginia Department State Tax Number?          
          If the answer is yes, 1 point. 1      
            If they are not willing to provide the documentation, subtract 1 point.        
          If the answer is no, -1 point.          
        May I have a copy of your City Business License?          
          This mainly applies if the property you own or manage is inside the City Limits or the companies address is inside the City Limits they claim to be based.          
          If the answer is yes, 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
        May I have the name of your Business Liability Insurance Company?          
          If the answer is yes to any one of these, add 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
          If these reasons are given,          
            I'm Sorry, I don't give that information out to anyone. RED FLAG  
            "Why do you want it?"  
            The paperwork has been filed, waiting on them to get back.  
            For what I do, I don't need it.  
            My company is new and the paperwork hasn't been filed yet.  
        May I have the name of your Workman's Compensation Insurance Company?          
          If the answer is yes to any one of these, add 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
          If these reasons are given,          
            I'm Sorry, I don't give that information out to anyone. RED FLAG  
            "Why do you want it?"  
            The paperwork has been filed, waiting on them to get back.  
            For what I do, I don't need it.  
            My company is new and the paperwork hasn't been filed yet.  
        If the Job/Project is over a certain amount, will you provide a written contract?          
          It is a good rule of thumb that a contract agreement should be drawn up if the money you are about to spend isn't considered by you as "throw-a-way funds.          
          If the answer is yes to any one of these, add 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
          If these reasons are given,          
            I'm Sorry, I don't do contracts. RED FLAG  
            "Why do you want it?"  
            We really don't need to do a contract.  
        Has you ever been involve in any legal action between your company and customer?          
          This is an integrity question which only requires a simple yes or no response. Remember, it is about honesty, if they answer yes, means that they are not hiding anything. If they answer no, it may be the truth but easily researched as lawsuits are a matter of public record.          
        Will you consent to a background check?          
          This is something that is highly recommended to be ask especially if the company is not well known.          
          If the answer is yes, add 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is no, -1 point.        
  You may get a response such as, "You are asking for private information that you do not have a right to", if so, you should be concerned with their view on you. The truth of the matter is, this is your home, your family, your space, your investment, your money. You have every right to do what is necessary to protect all of it.  
  Reviews use to mean a lot. Today, a company can manufacture or even purchase "5 STAR REVIEWS" for just a few dollars. Friends and family can copy and post pictures, write up anything they want about the jobs the company did and there is really no way to confirm that the pictures or information is correct or even if the wok has ever been done. References sometimes will help but only if they can be verified.  
  With the Company's or Individual's name, contact with your local Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau and the City Code Enforcement Office, City Police Department and the County Sherriff's Office and ask if they have any information about the company or individual. If they reply  
          If the answer is no, we have no recorded information about this subject, add 1 point. 1      
          If the answer is yes, we have no recorded complaints about this subject. 1      
          If the answer is yes, we have a few recorded complaints about this subject, you can decide on either a +1 or -1 point.        
            Remember the Integrity Question.          
  You may be saying at this point, "I just want to get my project done and this seems to be too much to do just to accomplish such a simple thing."  
  Latter, You may be saying to yourself, "Maybe I should have taken the time to take a closer look at this individual or company and saved myself time and money or from being in this situation."  
  It would be in your best interest to take a minute to try and understand how companies like Call Us To Do It, LLC., like all companies who following the rules, spend what we earn from our customers and Clients  
    Annual West Virginia Secretary of State Registration Fee $100  
      Depending on the type of company, certain West Virginia Regulations require companies like our to be registered. West Virginia Law.            
    Annual West Virginia Department of Tax Account Fee $30  
      All companies regardless of type are required to pay West Virginia Occupational Business Taxes. West Virginia State Law.            
    Annual Business & Occupational License Fee from every City we perform services in $15-$200  
      All persons conducting business inside the City Limits are require to obtain a City Business and Occupaion License. City Ordinance.            
    Monthly or Quarterly State Sales Tax 6% of Job/Projects  
      West Virginia State Law.            
    Monthly or Quarterly City Sales Tax 1% of Job/Projects  
      City Ordinance.            
    Monthly or Quarterly City B&O Tax 2% of Job/Projects  
    Per Job/Project City Building Permit Flat rate table or Percentage depending on the City. Usually 2% of the Job/Project. Require by City Ordinance. 2% of Job/Projects  
    Monthly Business General Liability Insurance $65-$3000  
      Protects both the company and the customer/Client in the event of a Job/Project Site Accident. Usually, the coverage is between 1 to 2 million dollars. Required by West Virginia Law.            
    Monthly Commercial Vehicle Liability Insurance $75-$2000  
      Protects both the company and the customer/Client in the event of a company vehicle involved Job/Project Site Accident. Required by law.            
    Quarterly Workman's Compensation Insurance $400-$5000  
      Federal Law.            
    Quarterly Company's Portion of Federal Employee Social Security Withholding 6.7% of payroll  
      Federal Law.            
    Quarterly Company's Portion of State Employee Social Security Withholding 1.45% of payroll  
      West Virginia State Law.            
    Quarterly Federal Unemployment Insurance 6% of payroll  
      Federal Law.            
    Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance 7.5% of payroll  
      West Virginia State Law.            
  In this state along, realtors, property managers, property owner and home owners get scammed, loose money, time and sometimes their property because they didn't take the time needed to ask the questions that would have protected them and saved them from all kinds of possible scenario. They trusted the company/individual instead of testing them. This mostly happens when a property owner or home owner feels rushed or is in a hurry to get the Job/Project done, decides to go with a company or individual who doesn't follow the rules.  
  We will provide a copy of this simple questionnaire that you can print out and present to anyone you are interested in hiring to avoid being scammed.  
  One of three scenarios  
      They will fill it out the questionnaire and present all the information you requested with or before they present you with your estimate, or, they won't fill it out, or you may never hear from them again.  
      You may never hear from them again.  
      They won't fill it out the questionnaire.  
      You may never hear from them again.  
  In our business, we hear of people being taken advantage of simply because they wanted to trust who they wanted to hire and got taken instead of getting what they wanted.  
  To get your free download, yes, it is totally free, send an to: subject: Questionnaire Please. No one will try to sell you anything, we'll send you a printable PDF.  
  You can also use this form as a basic example to create your own.  
  What is the Company's Legal Name?                  
  Company's Physical Address:                  
  City, State, Zip Code                  
  Company's Billing Address:                  
  City, State, Zip Code                  
  Company Contact Person's Name                  
  Company Phone Number               (     ) -     -            
  Email Address                  
                                                                  FOR MY
  Is your company's physical location inside the City Limits?                        
    Yes.     No.                                                      
  Do you have a Information Kit about you company?                            
      Yes.     No.                                                    
    If yes, will you provide me with a copy of your company's information package?                          
      Yes.     No.                                                    
  What is the Business Type?                    
        Sole Proprietorship                                                  
        Limited Liability Company (LLC)                                          
        S Corporation                                                      
        C Corporation                                                      
        May I have a copy of your Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        May I have a copy of your West Virginia Department State Tax Number?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        May I have a copy of your City Business License?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        May I have the name of your Business Liability Insurance Company?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        May I have the name of your Workman's Compensation Insurance Company?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        If the Job/Project is over a certain amount, will you provide a written contract?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        Has you ever been involve in any legal action between your company and customer?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        Has anyone in your company ever been convided of a felloney?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
        Will you consent to a background check?                    
          Yes.     No.                                                
          -   - 2024          
  Company Representitive or Individual's Signature