Our Process

Administration Services

As we are redeveloping our processes for 2025, you will find portions of this page to be incomplete. Please keep checking back to this page as we will be modifying and adding content. If you have any questions, you will find at the bottom of this page a form where you can present your questions and ideas.

We now provide Partial or Complete Estimate Services

Building Fabrication Home Flipping - Installations Repairs Renovations - Service Calls Turn-Key Projects

Estimate Process Includes:


A three-part information gathering. First Part: Client Account (This information is used to create Two Accounts, Client Account and Property Account) and the Estimate Request information.

1.        Client Account Information Log

a.        Local Commercial Client

                                                               i.               Current Date

                                                             ii.               Account Type

1.        C Commercial

                                                           iii.               Client Account Number

                                                           iv.               Name

                                                             v.               Address

                                                           vi.               Apt/Suite

                                                         vii.               City

                                                      viii.               County

                                                           ix.               State

                                                             x.               Zip Code

                                                           xi.               Email Address

                                                         xii.               Landline Phone Number

                                                      xiii.               Cell Phone Number

                                                       xiv.               Salesperson


2.        Property Account Information Log

a.        Local Property

                                                               i.               Current Date

                                                             ii.               Client Account Number (Drop Down Entry)

                                                           iii.               Property Account Number (Self Generating)

                                                           iv.               Property/Store/Company Client Name

                                                             v.               Store Number

                                                           vi.               Address

                                                         vii.               Apt/Suite

                                                      viii.               City

                                                           ix.               County

                                                             x.               State

                                                           xi.               Zip Code

                                                         xii.               Inside City Limits? YES/NO

                                                      xiii.               Tax Exempt? YES/NO

                                                       xiv.               Property Contact Person

                                                         xv.               Cell Phone Number


3.        Estimate Request Form Log

a.        Manual Entry

                                                               i.               Current Date

                                                             ii.               Property Account Number from Drop Down List

b.       Auto Entry from Client Account

                                                               i.               Client s Name

                                                             ii.               Assigned Service Writer

                                                           iii.               Client s Work Order Number

c.        Manual Entry

                                                               i.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 1)

                                                             ii.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 2)

                                                           iii.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 3)

                                                           iv.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 4)

                                                             v.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 5)

                                                           vi.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 6)

                                                         vii.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 7

                                                      viii.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 8)

                                                           ix.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 9)

                                                             x.               Description of Work Requested (Drop Down Entry 10)

                                                           xi.               Appointment Date to Visit Client

                                                         xii.               Expected Arrival Time

                                                      xiii.               Call First YES/NO

                                                       xiv.               Phone Number

                                                         xv.               Comments/Special Notes


To see an example Estimate Request Form (click to view this form)


This is a new addition form that allows the introduction of what conditions were found when performing a diagnosis and providing the most logical recommendation of the steps to correct it. The creation of this form was a result of some of our Out-of-Town clients not understanding our work descriptions and how we came about with the work that was performed. This give a more detailed description of what the conditions were found and the work described in detail of how to resolve the condition/situation.

1.        It is a detailed form that includes the Client s Work Request, Finding or the Request, Recommendation to resolve the findings required to perform the Job/Project.

a.        Estimate Request Description

b.       Findings of the Estimate Request Description

c.        Recommendation to solve the Findings of the Estimate Request Description.


A detailed document where information is gathered from the new Findings and Recommendation Form is transferred for an Estimate of which can be adjusted as needed before the final Quote is prepared.

2.        It is a detailed form that includes all charges, resources, materials, and/or applicable expenses required to perform the Job/Project.

a.        OPERATION

                                                               i.        OPERATION COST

                                                             ii.        SALES COMMISSION

                                                           iii.       ADMINISTRATION FEE

                                                           iv.        LABOR COST

                                                             v.       STATE SALES TAX

                                                           vi.        CITY SALES TAX (as applicable)

                                                         vii.        CITY FEES (as applicable)

                                                      viii.        CITY BUILDING PERMIT (as applicable)

b.       MATERIALS

                                                               i.        MATERIALS COST

                                                             ii.        VENDOR

                                                           iii.       STATE SALES TAX

                                                           iv.        CITY SALES TAX (as applicable)

Scheduled to be completed.



This form records the gross income of the Job/Project along with a complete detail of expenses that will ultimately provide a Profit/Loss Statement of the Job/Project.

1.        A complete comprehensive expense breakdown of what is required to be included in the Estimate to ensure a profit.

a.        Operations

b.       Administration Fee (fixed/percentage)

c.        Sales Commission (percentage)

d.       Outsource Processing Fee (optional) (fixed)

e.        Fuel Trip Fee (optional)

f.          Lease/Rent

g.        Utilities

                                                               i.               Electric

                                                             ii.               Water & Sewage

                                                           iii.               Sanitation

h.        Communications

                                                               i.               Landline Phone (optional)

                                                             ii.               Cell Phone

                                                           iii.               Internet

i.          Insurance

                                                               i.               Commercial Vehicle Insurance

                                                             ii.               Business General Liability Insurance

j.          Pay Roll

                                                               i.               Employee Gross Pay

                                                             ii.               Employee Withholdings

1.        SSAI (FICA)

2.        Medicare

3.        Federal Income Tax

4.        State Income Tax

                                                           iii.               Employee Net Pay

                                                           iv.               Company Share of Employee Withholdings

1.        Fi SSAI (FICA)

2.        Medicare

3.        Federal Unemployment Tax

4.        State Unemployment Tax

k.        Taxes

                                                               i.               City Sales Tax

                                                             ii.               City B&O Tax

                                                           iii.               State Sales Tax

l.          Fixed Expenses

                                                               i.               Daily

                                                             ii.               Monthly

                                                           iii.               Quarterly

                                                           iv.               Annually

m.     Variable Expenses

                                                               i.               Daily

                                                             ii.               Monthly

                                                           iii.               Quarterly

                                                           iv.               Annually

n.        Profit


Is an Estimate turned into a Quote which cannot be altered and/or adjusted where and Estimate can be adjusted and has all of the features listed of an Estimate.

Scheduled to be completed.



A legal document that serves as a Contract between the Service Provider and the Client who is receiving Services.

Scheduled to be completed.



A form issued to the Employee describes the work to be before, the tools needed to perform the work, and the process described of how the work is to be performed.

Scheduled to be completed.



Scheduled to be completed.



Scheduled to be completed.



Scheduled to be completed.




Scheduled to be completed.



An abbreviated for of the Quote providing only the necessary information required to receive payment.

Scheduled to be completed.



A form that is provided to the employee disclosing all work descriptions found in the Employee Work Order and the Job/Project Contribution towards their Pay Roll.

Scheduled to be completed.





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